(Board Exam for Professional Teachers)

I filed my Application for LET at PRC-Davao City in December 2018, and I want to share my experience so that co-filers could save time, effort, and money.
Here are the requirements you MUST have when you go to PRC (in order):
1. Printed PRC Payment Reference Number (For those who will pay at PRC Cashier) (1 copy)
Create an Account at https://online.prc.gov.ph/. Prepare a scanned passport size picture. You’ll be asked for a profile picture while creating your account.
Log in to see your Profile. Make sure all your details are correct, or else you can click “Edit” on the top right of your profile.
Make an appointment by clicking “Select Transaction”. Then select “Professional Teacher” as the Profession. If you are a first timer, do not put anything on the “Application Number (from NOA)" field, just click “Proceed”. Select your preferred PRC Regional Office (ex. PRC Davao). Your appointment details will appear. There is a pre-selected/scheduled date and time already. If you cannot go to PRC on that date, you can “Reschedule” it only ONCE. After choosing your final Appointment Date, click “Proceed”. Choose your payment option. On December 16, 2018, when I made my appointment, there were only 2 options posted: via Land Bank or PRC-Cashier. I chose the latter. Next, you will see your PRC Payment Reference Number. Screenshot it, edit, and print.
If in case you failed to print it the first time you made the appointment, you can always go to the left side of your Profile, and click “Existing Transaction”, then “Payment”, then your Reference Number should be there.
2. Filled out Teachers Application Forms (TAF: choose between Elementary/Secondary forms) (1 original copy)
You can download the Application Form online, but I could not find the second form, the Registration Record Card. I found both forms when I arrived at PRC. They are usually just in front of the “Application Unit”. (2 pages, not stapled: 1 long and 1 half-size forms)
Fill out your Application forms. You need 3 passport size pictures in formal attire, with white background (Use the official PRC standard photo: with your Last Name, First Name Middle Name, in capital letters, at the bottom. Scanned/photocopied pictures are not accepted) to their designated parts in the 2 forms.
Place your right thumb marks on the spaces provided. The thumb mark ink is usually in front of the Application Unit.
Paste 1 doc stamp on the right side of the long Application form.
3. PSA-stamped Birth Certificate (1 original and 1 photocopy)
Process your PSA-stamped Birth Certificate.
4. TOR with the note “For Board Exam Purposes” (1 original and 1 photocopy)
Get your TOR from your college/university.
In case of Education Units earners (like me), get 2 TORs: (1) from your college/university, and (2) where you earned units from. Your college/university TOR does not need to have "For Board Exam Purposes" note; but your TOR from where you earned units must have it.
5. Special Order – only when applicable (1 original and 1 photocopy)
Get this SO from your college/university.
State Universities and other prominent schools are exempted from this. Usually, this is required from private/small schools (as SO is an additional support for your college docs.) Since I earned units from a State U, I did not need to get an SO.
6. Any government-issued ID (1 original and 1 photocopy)
Voter’s ID
Driver’s Licence (not SP)
NBI/Police/Brgy Clearance (with scanned picture)

Complete the documents first (as listed above).
Online Registration for first timers (I created my account and made my appointment on Dec. 15, 2018.)
Make an Appointment (I was pre-scheduled on Dec. 17 but I rescheduled to Dec. 19, 2018, AM.)
Go to PRC on your Appointment date (In my case, PRC-Ecoland, in Davao. I was already 15th in line at 5:30AM. There is no priority number, so make sure you are sitting in front of the Application Unit according to the time when you arrive.
Outside PRC, buy (1) a brown envelope (with PRC logo), (2) a letter envelope (with PRC logo too), and (3) 4 stamps – All these 3 at P100/pack in front of PRC Davao. (Note: A doc stamp is only P15 at Sanggunian or any other government offices, like BIR.)
Transaction Windows open at 8AM.
8:15 – I was catered at the Application Unit (Windows 13, 14 & 15) to check if the documents are complete; you cannot proceed if they are not.
8:20 – I was 80th in line at the Cashier Unit because only 1 window was open at that time (Windows 9, 10, 11).
9:45 – I was catered at the Cashier Unit. I paid P900, the amount for first timers. Then you will wait for your name to be called for the issuance of NOA (Notice of Issuance).
10:00 – My name was called but only to inform us (with my seatmates) that the system for NOA (Windows 11, 12) was very slow or it crashed because it caters for the entire country. We had to go back in the afternoon or the next day, or any time until 2 weeks before the exam. After you claim the NOA, you are done. The process was just quick and easy if you were there early and if your documents are complete. (Important Note: The NOA should be claimed personally by the filer, authorization letters will not be honored.)
Claim your NOA, DO NOT lose it and do not forget to bring it on your Exam day (together with the envelopes) or else you cannot take the LET.
Pictures of Documents/Requirements:

I hope you all have a smooth process. God bless you Teachers! Way to go!
(PS. Just comment down your questions, suggestions, and concerns.)